BS EN 61966-2-5-2008 多媒体系统和设备.颜色测量和管理.彩色管理.可选择三元色(RGB)色彩空间.三原色输出

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-04-27 20:27:46   浏览:8620   来源:标准资料网
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Product Code:SAE ARP4102/14
Title:Full-Format Printer
Issuing Committee:S-7 Flight Deck Handling Qualities Stds For Trans Aircraft
Scope: This document recommends criteria for the installation and operation of a printer on the flight deck, to supply the flight crew with hard copies of information that originates from data sources such as FMS, ELS, ACMS, CMS, and data link. These criteria are in addition to the specifications of the referenced ARINC Characteristic 744A.【英文标准名称】:StandardTestMethodsforIodideandBromideIonsinBrackishWater,Seawater,andBrines